June 22, 2014

People Forget

The most important offering at a restaurant is not the food. Its the experience while at the restaurant that makes a person go visiting again. Or swoon about it on social media! Good food is just, “so to speak”, the icing on the cake! Thats why I pay you a premium for the experience! When you forget something as essential as a customer’s order, the tastiest of dishes at your establishment takes a back seat over a spoilt evening for the people at the table! Read more

May 13, 2014

I Love Jekyll I Hate Jekyll

Bad title for a post but thats how my relationship with the [jekyll][1] static site generator stands. I love it: It just lets me blog - no shitty admin console, no extra jazz, just keyboard noise –> blog post with some very simple magic in between. it serves static html - no wordpress security headaches, no server load problems, instant load times given that i load off an SSD on my [host][2]1. no db - that much more faster, that much less software to setup and get going markdown - the new posterchild of content creation. plain text with intelligence! I hate it: Read more

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