December 7, 2013

Nginx HTTP Caching and Compression

This is a blog post for posterity - I’m sure I’ll forget how I did this and will go hunting again! and I must definitely be the last guy on the planet to be setting up nginx! Nginx is pretty fast in itself. I use jekyll to power this site. So, when you’re reading this article, all the data is coming right off the hard disk - No databases, no queries, no lookups - simple fopen, read, stdoutā€¦ Read more

December 7, 2013

Jekyll and Windows Code Pages

####Prelude I recently moved my blog over to Jekyll! Thanks to a black friday deal over at Digital Ocean, I got my hands on a vps that I dont have to pay for the next 10 months… So, the first thing I did was to setup my almost dead in the corner blog using Jekyll, something that I’ve been meaning to do for over a year now.. And unlike a lot of people using Jekyll on *nix and OSX based systems, I was forced to setup Ruby 1.9.3 on Windows 7 and play around with it… Read more

April 13, 2013

Fat controller or Fat model???

When coding up an app using the MVC model, how much of logic do you actually code up in the controller? The controller’s job in an MVC setup is to pick up action requests from the user acting on the View, pass them to the model for data manipulation and pull out the new view to show to the user. Now, the question in my mind is: How much of logic do you actually throw into the controller? Read more

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