January 7, 2018

Starting Off 2018

2018 has started off slow, but steady. I’ve promised myself to NOT set any resolutions to keep up / follow for 2018. I’ve also promised myself to concentrate on one thing and ONE thing only. Get things done. One thing at a time. Well, in that regard, I’ve finally gotten around to setting up my Home server - It now hosts the following: My personal document store My mail server / MX (Huge shout out to the ACT tech team for getting this done quick) - separate blog post coming in soon My web server + test bed Things to come soon: Read more

November 15, 2016

And then we rode...

Day one - Tour of Karnataka . What a day! I couldn’t be happier! 150 km covered in just over 7 hours of riding… The usual knee pain, but in all an amazing ride. Idli and vada did not help once again… And I had to resort to energy bars to push to lunch point at 119km. The heat almost killed me post lunch.. Hassan should be renamed HAS-ONLY-SUN. Chennai would lose hands down in heat wave comparisons. Read more

November 14, 2016

Cycling and the Tour of Karnataka

I moved to Bangalore in July this year and the first thing I realised that there was no way I was prepared to share my paychecks with Uber. There was no way I was going to stay stuck in traffic for 2 hours in each direction either. The only option left, that I’d put on the back burner was Cycling. So I went ahead, spoke to a few friends, met the inspiring Mr. Chethan Ram, and bought myself a Marin. Read more

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