March 18, 2020

How to Remote - Part 1 of n...

I just scribbled this down since I’ve been asked multiple times on how to be efficient when working from home. Here’s some tips that will hopefully help you: Have a separate place to work. Have a separate place to sleep / eat / relax. Do not mix them up. Everyone makes the mistake of working from their beds. Stop that! Have specific times to work. Dont go into this never-ending spree of working because you have a stable internet connection and uninterrupted power. Start at a fixed time, STOP at a fixed time. Note the emphasis on Stop. Read more

March 10, 2020

Go Remote or Wind up!

The whole #covid19 pandemic is an amazing opportunity to gear up for the next level. For every single organization looking to hire for the best employees out there, here’s just 2 words: Go Remote! Treat this international situation as an opportunity to hire remotely. And Here’s why: A person who says he / she will work remote has already ticked off a lot of boxes - They’re self motivated They learn on their own They can work with a broad requirement and dig around to get work done. These are some of the main qualities that you look for when you hire. All you need to do is hire a person ready to work remotely, enable them and trust that work WILL BE DONE. Read more

December 31, 2013

Here's to 2013 and a great 2014

2013 was an amazing year in many respects! Worked on more things than before - learnt a ton of new things… Infrastructure management - I got my hands dirty with something i’ve always wondered what it was. Knowing how to organize your infrastructure, sizing, planning, creating new machines, the cloud and yes, Amazon EC2 as well! Got better at automating software delivery - helped improve processes at work! A tiny little tool that I wrote has run with 0 downtime for the last year! Okay… there was a downtime of about 5 minutes when the root password expired :-P Read more

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